Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Roasted Jalapeno and Chorizo Queso

I am a chips and queso (well, chips and any kind of dip really) kind of girl. I even have a t-shirt that proclaims my love for the stuff. I'm not very picky with how it's made and it never lasts long. I usually do the standard Velveeta and Ro-tel, with Italian sausage if I'm feeling fancy, and call it a day. Collin is the same way so when I announced that we were having queso for dinner he wasn't exactly upset.

What he did notice, however, was that I was doing things differently. She has you roast some jalapenos first and when he saw them on the baking sheet he didn't take it well. "What are you doing? I thought you were making queso? Why are you doing them like that?" And so on and so forth to the point where I told him to get the hell out of the kitchen or I was going to kick his ass. He left, though I think it had more to do with the fact that his show came back on in the other room rather than my threat. In any case, I was safe to continue in peace until commercial time came back again.

This is more work that I like to put into queso, but since this was our dinner I was alright with it. I also bought the wrong kind of chorizo at the store and wound up with some sausage chorizo stuff. Whatever. The package said chorizo on it so it still counts.

It looks like I cut up a hot dog, but I swear I didn't.

This was good. Standard queso taste, though surprisingly not spicy for the amount of jalapenos she has you stick in there. I had to add about 3-4 more raw ones to get the kind of kick we like. I did not feel the need to keep eating it after I was full, which is unusual, but Collin had 2 big bowls. This was so standard, in fact, that I wouldn't go out of my way to roast the jalapenos again because they really don't add anything to it. Just chop those babies up raw and toss them in until they make your lips numb. 

Anyway. Standard or not, this gave me an excuse to make queso for dinner so everybody wins. 

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