Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Grilled Garlic-Soy Shrimp with Pepper's Hot Green Pepper Sauce

I skipped past this recipe a few times when searching for a new recipe to try because it said "grilled". I don't have a clue how to start our massive grill and, truth be told, I don't have any desire whatsoever to learn. Imagine my surprise when I actually read the recipe and found out you can use a cast iron skillet. Now that I can do!

When I purchased the shrimp, I did not realize exactly how many shrimp came in one and a half pounds (what the recipe called for) so this made a lot more than my little family could eat in one meal. Well, I'm sure it didn't help that I pretty much scoffed at these shrimp and had cookies for dinner instead - but whatever. What's done is done.

This recipe is also about as simple as simple gets. You marinate the shrimp in soy sauce and garlic and grill those suckers in a pan. Disclaimer: it's been 2 days since I've made this and the smell of soy sauce and garlic still lingers in my kitchen. I can't figure out where it's coming from. I've taken out the trash and wiped the counters and did all the dishes so I have no freaking clue. I just turned my scentsy on and now I don't smell it anymore. Yay!

Easy Peasy

I did not eat many of these because, as stated before, I pretty much had cookies for dinner. Collin, however, liked these quite a bit. I made the mistake of dipping a shrimp in the green sauce first and that was a big nope. I like spicy sauce but that shit was HOT. Collin mentioned the sauce would be better suited for tacos, and I agree. It's not so much a good dipping sauce as it is a pouring sauce. Yes, they are different. Somehow. It's like the gravy of hot as fuck green sauces. 

Anyway. I'll keep this one around to keep things different with shrimp.

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing these are from chrissy's book? Kuz her recipe titles are long.
