Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Repeat Offender

I've never made anything from this book twice, until today. I was craving the Brussels sprouts salad with almonds and grapes so bad so I halved a batch for lunch tomorrow and I can't wait to eat it. It's actually going to go quite nicely as a low carb meal considering I'm meeting my sister tomorrow night for tacos and drinks. Can't screw up the whole day.

So my fridge has been on the fritz...and by that I mean it works a little too well. It freezes e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Literally everything I put in there gets frozen, or almost frozen, and makes salad and vegetables virtually inedible. I had milk in there that expired 3 weeks ago but, thanks to its constant half frozen state, it is still good. I guess you could say that counts as an upside, but when I buy lettuce and salad and herbs, etc. when I pull them out I don't want them to be so frozen they are translucent. You ever tried to bring frozen salad back to life? You fucking can't. And before you ask the question, "Have you tried turning it down?" (like everyone seems to ask, like I'm an idiot or something) it is on the very lowest setting. I'm one step away from shutting the entire fridge down.

On the bright side, I'm getting a gorgeous (yes, gorgeous) new fridge delivered next Saturday so until I get that beautiful baby up and running in my kitchen my posts will be scarce. This book requires many a fresh ingredient and I just can't bear to throw away any more food.

Sorry ya'll. But, hey, at least my lunch tomorrow will be fabulous!

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