Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sour Cream and Broccoli Baked Potato Cakes

You know it never fails, I always misspell "broccoli" every time. I always put two "L's" for some reason. Anyway. This is yet another recipe that I made and failed to post. I found it while skimming through for some snacky food to make. Lucky for me, I remember making this very well because these were really, really, REALLY freaking good. Yes, I know. I spoiled the ever anticipated taste review early. I'm feeling rebellious today. Come at me.

This is easy peasy. Bake some potatoes in the microwave, scoop out the meat, mix some shit in a bowl and form into patties. I did make one small change and used plain Greek yogurt in place of the sour cream because that's just something I've always done and you really can't tell the difference. Collin can't even tell and he's the king of trying to catch me in shit like that. He hasn't caught me yet and I swap things out for healthier alternatives all the time. I made cauliflower fried "rice" once and he didn't even know that there was no rice in it until I told him. Mmmm that was so good. Making a mental note to make it again soon.

Moving on...Alright. Chrissy loves to fry things that really could be baked in an oven. Or maybe I just really suck at frying things. To be fair, both of those statements are probably true. Either way, frying these in a pan just didn't work. I did get smart, because this isn't the first time I've been frustrated by her love of pan frying, and only fried one to start in case it fucked up. I am so glad I did that. In addition, her cook time is just off completely. She tells you this should take about 6-8 minutes total and it took about 15 frustrating minutes to get one to cook through. I really think that when you make it to celebrity status you get a special magic oven/stove in your "welcome" goody bag. Fortunately, these can easily be baked in a regular person oven - and it eliminates the extra butter and oil you use for the pan. I just stuck them on a baking sheet at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes per side.

The one on the left came from the pan frying method. The one on the right was oven baked. 

These were so good. I wish I had potatoes so I could make them right now.

Even through all of my frustrations, these came out so good that she really should market this recipe more. The ingredients are minimal, prep work is short and once you sort out the baking method this is really a quick and simple weeknight dinner. *adds to meal plan*

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