Friday, February 3, 2017

SS: Crustless Broccoli, Ham and Cheese Quiche

It's been awhile. I've definitely been cooking...I've just been lacking the motivation to blog about it. In any case, I'll try to start back up for all of my 4 readers. Of course, I'm not exactly doing ya'll a solid by blogging about a quiche, but I've actually never made one before last week and these are my new favorite thing. I mean, they're quick, easy, use ONE pan (if you have a cast iron skillet or other oven-safe pan), and you can toss just about anything you want in there...which I do. Quiche is basically where leftovers go to die in my house from now on. Oh, and the kids eat it without giving me any shit which means it has made the list of top ten things I love - right up there with wine and sparkly shoes.

So the other day my mom emptied her freezer and gave me an absurd amount of meat, which means I won't have to buy meat for a long time and I love her because that shit is not cheap. In addition, Collin gets a gift certificate for Honey Baked Ham every year for Christmas from his company and we've never used them, so we had about 5 of these gift certificates laying around. If you know me, you know I LOVE ham. LOVE it. I can't control myself around a good ham - it's rather disgusting to watch actually. Anyway...I decided that we needed to use some of these gift certificates and I placed an order for a 9 pound boneless ham. For my family of 4. Of which 2 are small children. But of course, I had ham goggles on and couldn't see why this might not be the best idea so I ordered the damn thing and danced around in ham heaven for a while.

The first night was glorious. We had ham, scalloped potatoes and green beans - also one of the top ten things I love. I swear if I were on death row this would be one of the many things I would request as a last meal. I actually wonder what all they let you there a limit? Can I request 17 different dinners that are all dear to my heart? Exactly how much time do you have to eat? I feel like I would fuck it up though. They'd ask me what I wanted and that would be the week I'm really into salad or something lame like that.

Moving on...

I decided to freeze half of the ham once reality set in and I realized that making my family consume that much ham before it went bad was just cruel. I was left with about 4.5 pounds of ham and a google search of good ham recipes. Once that came up with nothing I moved to my trusty cookbooks. I let my hand slide right over Cravings and land upon Skinny Suppers because I am just too fluffy for my own good right now. Alas; the Quiche obsession of 2017 was born. Sorry kids.

This is easy. I made substitutions, but honestly there isn't a whole lot to say about how this went.

Crustless Broccoli, Ham and Cheese Quiche

1/2 tbs olive oil
2 tsp minced garlic (I omitted this)
2 cups chopped broccoli
1 small onion, diced
1 (8 oz.) container baby bella mushrooms, sliced (I omitted this and added half a diced sweet potato)
1 cup diced ham (I think we all know I added more than a cup)
5 eggs
4 egg whites
1/3 cup fat free milk (I used whole because that's what I had)
2 tbs whole wheat flour
1/2 cup sharp cheddar cheese (I used parm and mozzarella because for some reason I ran out of sharp)

1) Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. If using something other than an oven-proof skillet, coat that shit with cooking spray. I used my cast iron skillet and therefore, did not coat it.
2) In a skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add your chunky ingredients (broccoli, onion, garlic, mushrooms (or sweet potatoes) and saute. I added the ham once everything was nice and crisp tender.
3) Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the eggs, egg whites, milk, flour, salt and pepper. Once the veggies and ham are the way you want them, arrange them evenly in the skillet and pour the eggs on top. Top with cheese and stick that hoe in the oven.
4) Bake until the middle has set - about 30-35 minutes for a cold pan. If this is in the oven-proof skillet you've been working with the whole time, the pan will already be hot so the cook time will be less. I didn't time it, I just took it out when it looked ready. Sorry.

Ok, I'm going to apologize straight away for the photo. I didn't take one when it was done because I was starving and - let's face it - I forgot. I'm out of bad. However, I couldn't leave ya'll hanging for months and then do a post without a freaking picture. So here it is: my two day old, cold quiche on a Tupperware lid.

Ya'll deserve better. You really do.

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